day 11
9 Nov //
Wake with two words repeating in my head: Connection. . . disconnection . . . connection . . . disconnection . . . connection . . .
It’s winter/fall again, the view is marked by auburn and maroon.
Yesterday was the lunar eclipse. Taurus releasing ideas, per Beatrex: give up envy. Give up financial insecurity. Give up being stubborn. Give up hoarding. Give up addictive spending. Give up not feeling valuable. Give up fear of change . . .
Yesterday I pulled the ten of wands reversed: the card of service. Put down your burden, Elliot advised.
I’m not in a generative place right now, I’m in a dying-off. It’s cold and the heater is running. I eat a golden English muffin off a plate of sky blue earthenware. In the past few days I have discovered multiple parts of different plants that, overwatered, have rotted and died in their pots. I pulled gently at the base of each stalk and was horrified by how easily the soft body of each plant lifted away.
Spill some milk from a ramekin into a tall glass of hot oolong tea. Last summer to make cold brew I bought a large box of oolong bags from a company called Prince of Peace.
Creation, says Meister Eckhart, is the constant activity of God’s influx (flowing) into creatures to give them existence (McGinn 144). Creatio continua. Constant as in ongoing, ceaseless: it did not start and stop in six or seven days. Creation is eternal, and is process. This creativity is what makes God God for Eckhart.Â
We voted yesterday at the Lakeside Park Garden Center, then took a walk around part of the lake. It was bright silver, blue, and cold. We talked about a lot of those things Beatrex mentioned for releasing: envy, financial insecurity, fear of change. These are, of course, closely interrelated.