Leo Season: a closeout list
The retrograde has been making it difficult to follow our bliss. Below, a few band-aids as Virgo arrives for its annual comprehensive energetic overhaul
Stir It Up (Jerry Garcia Band). iykyk.
The Five Earth Touchings (mindfulness practice via Thich Nhat Hahn’s sangha)
Basic & Educational Organ Reset (fascial maneuver with Garry Lineham)
The Empress (reading of the Major Arcana card by Elliot Adam). The perfect card for transitioning from a season of inner-child self-love (Leo) to internal self-care and holding (Virgo).
Chickpea Cookie Dough (staple luteal phase recipe to satisfy premenstrual cravings without triggering pain [no sugar or gluten]). I subbed oat flour for ground sesame and sunflower seeds (2tbsp to get daily amount for seed cycling—swap for pumpkin and flax if on days 1-14) and subbed local honey for maple syrup (to combat allergies); used chopped chocolate, 70% & 85% bars, instead of chips; and added coconut oil, raw cacao powder, cinnamon, and a sprinkle of salt. Immersion blender handled it well, no food processor necessary. Best refrigerated for a few hours before eating.
The next book on my for-pleasure list (Always Coming Home, Ursula K. LeGuin, 1985). Thanks MS for the recommendation.
And the next for my scholarly research (and sure to be pleasurable too: Gaia and God / An Ecofeminist Theology of Earth Healing, Rosemary Radford Ruether, 1994). Thanks LJ for the recommendation.
And now back to my menstrual cave. See you deeper into Virgo season. (Try not to fall prey to destructive self-criticism this month. Seeing what’s wrong is step zero of a healing process. Divinity is in the details…)